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3 Still Standing
Views & Rants
Views and Rants
Durst Case Scenario
The Radical Songbook
Burst of Durst Podcast
Will's GoFundMe
You Can Help Today…
No Amount is too Small
The Interview
Debi Durst Speaks
with Alex Bennett
About All things Will
The Will Durst Journal
1st Ammendment Jester Hat
Friday, October 07, 2024 • VOL. MMXXIV NO. 41
4 Stars
Comedy for People Who read or Know Someone Who Does
About Will Durst
Acknowledged by peers and press alike as one of the premier political satirists in the country, Will Durst has patched together a comedy quilt of a career, weaving together columns, books, radio and television commentaries, acting, voice overs and most especially, stand up comedy, into a hilarious patchwork of outraged and outrageous common sense. His abiding motto is “You can’t make stuff up like this." The New York Times calls him "possibly the best political comic in the country." Fox News agrees "he's a great political satirist," while the Oregonian hails him as a “hilarious stand-up journalist.” This former radio talk host, oyster shucker, and margarine smuggler currently writes a nationally syndicated humor column, and his scribblings have appeared in Esquire, George, the San Francisco Chronicle, National Lampoon, The New York Times and scads of other periodicals.
More About Will
3 Still Standing
3 Still Standing
Now available
on Amazon Prime
What's News
Tuesday October 22
Will & Willie Podcast LIVE
Music City
1355 Bush Street
San Francisco
Tuesday November 2
The Punchline
The Punchline
444 Battery
San Francisco
October 7
Debi's GoFundMe Update
Hey There! Hi There! Ho There!
August 29
Debi's GoFundMe Update
Hey There! Hi There! Ho There!
Tuesday August 27 6-7pm
Will & Willie Podcast LIVE
3092 16th Street
San Francisco
August 5
Debi's GoFundMe Update
Happy August
May 28
Debi's GoFundMe Update
Happy Almost Summer
April 20
Debi's GoFundMe Update
Spring Forward
March 18
Debi's GoFundMe Update
Happy Birthday Will
June 14
Debi's GoFundMe Update
Happy Almost Spring
November 25
Debi's GoFundMe Update
Happy Thanksgiving Weekend Everyone
September 15
Debi's GoFundMe Update
It's Been Such a Long Time
June 14
Debi's GoFundMe Update
…Summer is almost upon us
May 14
Debi's GoFundMe Update
Happy Mother's Day
April 12
Debi's GoFundMe Update
Hey Everybody
February 14
Debi's GoFundMe Update
Happy Valentine's Day Everyone
Friday January 6
Will & Willie Podcast LIVE
3092 16th Street
San Francisco
December 30
Debi's GoFundMe Update
Happy New Year's Eve Eve!!
December 2
Debi's GoFundMe Update
Happy December Ya'll!
November 14
Debi's GoFundMe Update
Thank you One and All…
October 8
Debi's GoFundMe Update
Here we are three years and one day since Will’s stroke.
July 30
Debi's GoFundMe Update
Happy August Everyone!
June 12
Debi's GoFundMe Update
Happy (mid) June Everyone! Greetings from the best SNF in SF!!
May 10
Debi's GoFundMe Update
Greetings from rehab!!
April 14
Debi's GoFundMe Update
Hip Hip Hooray! It is the time of rebirth and new titanium for both Mr. and Mrs. Durst.
December 5
Debi's GoFundMe Update
Happy December! Who knew 2021 would almost be over so soon?
November 1
Debi's GoFundMe Update
Miracles do happen, though, and that is the miracle of your love and friendship and support…
October 1
Debi's GoFundMe Update
Also hard to believe next Thursday October 7th will be the two year anniversary of Will having his stroke.
September 6
Debi's GoFundMe Update
Will and I want to fill you in on what's been going on during the month of August.
August 1
Debi's GoFundMe Update
Will is hanging in there, despite the intense pain he's feeling in his leg.
July 2
Debi's GoFundMe Update
Will is doing well with his new Physical Therapist. She is amazing and there has been progress…
May 31
Debi's GoFundMe Update
We are still waiting to hear from St. Mary's on Will's admission to their Acute Rehab Unit.
May 3
Debi's GoFundMe Update
Will is progressing slowly. He is having more success regaining strength and movement
March 21
Debi Durst's
with Alex Bennett
March 13
Debi's GoFundMe Update
Spring is in the air! Hello everyone! Debi Durst here with your latest Will Durst update.
December 10
Debi's GoFundMe Update
Hey Everyone!
Just a quick update
on Will and his recovery.
September 30
Debi's GoFundMe Update
Hey Everyone!
Thank You One and All
for your very kind
and generous donations!
August 21
Debi's GoFundMe Update
Thank You so much
for all the donations!
March 14
Debi's GoFundMe Update
I am so humbled
and verklempt over
the kindness of friends,
and, yes, strangers
to our cause!
March 2020
GoFundMe Begins
Debi Durst, Organizer
Debi Durst here.
As some of you may
know, Will had a stroke
last October.

Title of this Week's Durst Case Scenario
For me this date today marks five years since Will had his “vascular incident” as we call it. It has been a slow but steady progress.
Through all of this we have managed to maintain our sense of humor and humanity. So many have not been so lucky to have the support we have received from everyone and we are forever grateful to all of you.
Today also marks a banner day for us.
Will’s bed is finally fixed!! The mechanism to raise the head of the bed has been broken since his move (end of June) and it’s been horrific trying to prop him up in bed with tons of pillows so he can see television and not choke while eating or drinking.
First we discovered the part that was missing from the motor was not replaceable so we had to order a new motor. Then the control pendant wouldn’t fit onto the new motor. Today our new BFF Alex from The Bed Doctor came with the new control pendant and HUZZAH! It works!! We are very happy. Finally.
For those of you keeping up with Will’s postings on Facebook you may know he’s making his big comeback to sit down comedy at the SF Punchline Saturday November 2. Showtime is 5pm. It’s a full show with an opener and a feature. Will is headlining. Tickets and information
There is another Will and Willie podcast live at Music City SF, 1355 Bush Street on Tuesday October 22. Doors 5:30. Show 6-7pm. Tickets
Will also does weekly recorded commentaries for The Radical Songbook. Listen to his latest wherever you get your podcasts.
Will is very excited and happy he can finally add something to this rapidly changing political landscape.
We continue to hold out certain hope that Will will be able to stand on his own and walk again. Last week he did 30 minutes in the standing frame without pain or discomfort. That is a personal b est!!
All we need now is to get his left leg straight. That dang knee won’t unbend. Once we can get that muscle to loosen we will work on free standing with a walker. That’s our next goal.
Thank you one and all for your love and support. We could not do this journey without each and every one of you. It gives me optimistic energy and confidence that we will prevail.
We wish all of you a wonderful October. And for goodness sakes VOTE!!
Much Love to you All!!
xoxo, Debi & Will

BoomeRaging (1)(2)Interview
From LSD to OMG
BoomeRagingWill Durst’s acclaimed tribute to the history, growth, joys, achievements, frustrations, fashions and looming doom of the Baby Boom Generation. Ably assisted by his trusty overhead projector, Durst explores the Boomers’ revolutions, evolutions and still vibrant role in today’s youth-obsessed society, which they invented, for crum’s sake. It’s a celebration of the maturation of the Boomer Nation and as an extra, added, special treat- the Meaning of Life.
More ABOUT Will